Thursday, April 19, 2012

Packing Bags

the Junkie book will remain closed for the coming quarter (May-June-July). If you scroll down a couple of posts you'll find one saying Am Back! And if you wonder sweet bunnies what's happening, well am setting a new paradigm for moving cities! We got to move to a new city and mind ya I still have some unpacked bags since I stepped in this house last July.

Now Jill, was it you who used the phrase "moving house like a warm Indian breeze"?...well, quite literally it's been happening with me! Whoever wrote the line "When was the last time you did something for the first time"? Am by default doing something new, even if it is something as banal as closing one door and entering a new house through another!

There's always excitement in fresh pastures. But at times (or frankly many a time) am exhausted scrambling to pick up my dreams on my way only to see them quickly and forcefully tossed wayside...and am tired of bending my back trying to pick them up again. Lemme see how life pans out for me. For the moment, let's live today.


Suja Manoj said...

Wish a safe and stress-free move,I know what it is and again hope the new place is fresh and have wonderful things to make your life even more happier..
Take care..
See you soon

Indu said...

Sigh....Moving is so difficult...Waiting to see you back on this space....

the Junkie book said...

Ya it's difficult, especially with young kids. But it's surprising how well your mind adapts and things get easier as you take those long tough strides!

Stephanie said...

Good luck with your move, Thoma. Moving is so hard especially if you haven't felt settled in your last place. It feels as though we think we make our own decisions in life but often life makes them for us. I hope your new pastures are very green!

My Kitchen Antics said...

oooh where r you moving to this time? i can imagine how exhausting this might be for you. I hate moving

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Wishing you good luck settling in your new home! I'm sure your wee ones will consider it a huge adventure :)

MJ said...

Heyyy...again??? Take care and gud luck!!! =) I just am settling into a new home at the moment, been few weeks :)

Anna C said...

Thoma, I simply love how you put down your feelings about the upcoming move and all it entails. A move is never easy.I hope you will soon be able to pick up once more, the golden threads of your dreams. Wishing you much happiness in your new home.

Swati Sapna said...

Hey Thoma! What would I do without your uplifting, funny, encouraging comments on my blog?! :) Thank you!
And you are out of circulation for 3 months??! Thats not good for us :(
Hey, but I'm sure you will embrace every change and every move with the same joie de vivre that your blog shows!
So all the very best and we look forward to having u back soon!

the Junkie book said...

SS: At the rate at which you blog I've doubts I'll hardly miss a post of yours ;p

I'll be sooner back than expected (because I've some decent recipes in my archive)!!


the Junkie book said...

Thank you all for dropping by! I'll be visiting you all on and off!

Yin said...

Moving again? You sound like a nomad to me :-) Agreed with the rest never easy for house moving, had that experience twice a year last year. Hope is a smooth move to you. Stay in touch.

warmest regards,

the Junkie book said...

Yin: So what would call me when I move out of that place exactly one year from now!;p

Candice said...

Eek! I've been so wrapped up in my own moving drama that I never stopped to think other people could be going through it too. I'm sorry! I hope everything is okay. If its not, you can always drop me a message and we can commiserate. Believe me, I'll understand. Moving is HORRID. I hope everything goes well for you guys as you settle into your new home.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

good luck with your move..
soon am gonna face d same too..;)
Tasty Appetite

Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

Thoma, yes it was me who said it and yes, I am sure you'll have a move like a warm Indian breeze since you are so cool, my friend. Good luck and as you say, lets live today. Exciting times!

CakeWhiz said...

Good luckw with the move :)
I know it's tiring but hang in there. i hope everthing works out nicely and you enjoy your new place :)
- www,

Sarah said...

Enjoy the move... how exciting it must be to discover a new place, make new friends, experience new things... Im so jealous! though the packing/unpacking can be a small price to pay for wonderful adventures that awaits you...

CakeWhiz said...

Can't wait till you start blogging again...i miss your posts :(
- abeer @ said...

--Hope you will looooove your new home! <3

How fun to begin new adventures.